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Consumer First Insights

2012 Food & Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety, Nutrition and Health

Freshness matters. Expiration date has "jumped significantly from 2011 (63%)" to overtake the Nutrition Facts panel as most-read part of the package. 76% of consumers check the expiration date first.

Freshness matters. PKG
The 2012 Food & Health Survey: Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety, Nutrition & Health, commissioned by the International Food Information Council Foundation, is the seventh annual national quantitative study designed to gain insights from Americans on important food safety, nutrition, and health-related topics. The research provides the opportunity to gain insight on how Americans view their own diets, their efforts to improve them, how they balance diet and exercise, and their beliefs and behaviors when it comes to food safety.

Americans are interested in food and health related issues, with nearly all saying that they have given at least a little thought to the healthfulness of their diet, physical activity, and the safety of their food. In an environment where media reports are constantly highlighting concern over the "obesity epidemic" and seemingly contradictory news stories tout and condemn various nutrients, many consumers acknowledge that it can be hard to know what to believe. This could explain why over half of Americans believe it is easier to figure out their income taxes than to figure out what they should and shouldn't eat to be healthier.

Read more from the source: foodinsight.org


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