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Consumer First Insights

Agr Introduces New Capability in its Pilot Profiler System

Agr's Profiler system has launched their new features. The update measures bottle thickness while being molded, eliminating the necessity for any destruction, as well as being able to adjust shelf left on individual bottles.


agrintl1710There are many well-known benefits and savings associated with PET bottle light-weighting efforts. Along with the benefits there are some associated challenges, especially with regards to bottle processing and field performance. These are most evident in the shelf-life performance qualities related to CO2 and water loss.

To address these issues, Agr International recently introduced a new capability for its Pilot Profiler™ in-the-blowmolder thickness management system. In addition to the precision material distribution control for PET bottles, the Pilot Profiler system can now monitor shelf-life for CO2 or water loss at the point of production by incorporating a version of the M-RULE container performance model. This provides plant managers with a continuous status of the predicted shelf-life performance as well as the capability to proactively manage critical bottle parameters to maximize the shelf-life of containers in production.

Read more from the source: Packaging Europe


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