Like every new Apple product, the Apple Watch packaging is simple and functional, and packagers will be taking notes and incorporating Apple's design into a myriad of products.
With every new Apple release, we as designers are equally as excited to experience their incredible packaging as much as the product itself. The anticipation of their unique packaging design often rivals that of the product's latest feature or newest component.
Just like their products, Apple hides the final box and keeps it secretly under wraps until launch day, when designers like us get our first glimpse at the final design. Just look at the popularity of all the "unboxing" videos and reviews all over the web. Fans have covered unboxings for other competitors and products, but few have matched the excitement and beauty of what Apple delivers
Today, we get our first look at the Apple packaging for the Apple Sport and Apple Watch. Each product comes in it's own unique design, sharing common themes but in a different shape. Although there is an emotional frenzy as you get to see the watch for the first time, Apple also puts a huge focus on the step-by-step cadence as you open each box. They blend detailed innovation, rugged protection and subtle simplicity all in one design solution.
We start with the Apple Sport watch and it's packaging. At first glance, I was overwhelmed with the sheer size of it; a long rectangular box that looked incredibly big for a small watch. Usually Apple is quite space efficient with their packaging, but this box is honestly not. The edges are almost seamless with crisp folds. On top, the apple logo and "WATCH" are debossed with razor sharp accuracy. The lid pulls away slowly, (like most Apple boxes, this is rumored to be designed on purpose to increase anticipation) and the plastic white case presents itself with a smooth finish just waiting for you to investigate more!
Read more from the source: The Dieline - Package Design Resource