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Consumer First Insights

Can Great Packaging Design Trump the Importance or Appeal of a Product?

Packaging design is often more important than the product itself. It’s the first impression consumers have of your product and sometimes your brand.

Consumers are looking at every aspect of your CPG packaging, from the container to the printing. Packaging Digest reports there's high demand for the right printing technology, and the global market size of digital printing will reach $49.9 billion by 2031.

Printing is only one critical aspect of effective CPG packaging. Storage, materials, and presentation are also extremely significant. Here’s what you should consider when considering your packaging design.

Working on a computer

Attract Consumers

Consumers are drawn to CPG packaging that speaks to them. Those who value the environment will be attracted to sustainable packaging, while others who prefer modern esthetics will seek minimalist packaging designs.

The right packaging positively influences purchasing decisions. It's visually appealing, includes all the relevant product information in print, and speaks volumes about the brand.

The CPG packaging should tell the product's story. Uninteresting or unappealing designs won't sell products, while those that stand out will. Packaging design that puts a product on display through the use of the right container or color, for example, will tell consumers what to expect from a product.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

The right packaging design puts your brand ahead of the competition. You can do this through transparency and visual identity.

Be transparent about what the product is and how it works. Include all ingredients and "free from" callouts on the label so there will be no questions or confusion about what the product contains. This is especially vital for products that may contain allergens.

Use fonts and colors that set your brand apart from others. This gives you a strong visual identity and makes your brand instantly recognizable through packaging design.

Connect with Consumers

Effective packaging design enables your brand to connect with consumers. This occurs in different ways.

Consumers recognize certain aspects of packaging design like sustainability. This grabs their attention because it aligns with their values, and they form strong connections with your brand.

You can also connect with consumers through what's known as connect packaging. By scanning QR codes, consumers can take part in surveys, play games, or redeem awards. You can thus engage directly with your consumers.

Creating a package

Deliver a Message

The right packaging design can deliver a message to consumers. Think about what you want them to know about your brand and the product you're selling.

Convey that information on your CPG packaging through the container, the printed details, and the materials you use. For instance, consumers expect premium CPG packaging for high-end luxury products. Seeing this type of packaging on store shelves tells them what to expect inside.


Your packaging design can make or break a product. Cincinnati research agency AcuPoll reports that 95% of new products fail each year.

How you market your product makes a big difference, but its presentation on store shelves and online is often the deciding factor on whether consumers try it. The key is creating packaging design that accurately represents both a product and its respective brand.

PKG Brand Design is always at the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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