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Consumer First Insights

5 Tips for Creating the Most Attractive CPG Packaging

Package design is one of the most important components of marketing a product. It is what makes a first impression on customers.

72% of American consumers say the design of a product’s packaging impacts their purchasing decisions. Of those surveyed, two-thirds revealed that paper and cardboard packaging materials give the product a more attractive feel. Here are some rules for designing functional and attractive CPG packaging.

Plan Early

Begin planning your CPG packaging design early in the product development phase. Sketch out what you want the packaging to convey and think of materials that would work best for the type of product you are creating.

Make several sketches so you have multiple ideas to work with during the creation process. Sketching will give you an idea of how your packaging will look to consumers online or on store shelves.

Consumer packaged goods.

Compare your renderings with competitors’ packaging. You may even adopt ideas from products in different categories.

Conduct market research and develop CPG packaging models from the data you gather. Pay attention to what consumers are saying about their wants and needs.

Think Simple

When it comes to packaging, less is more. Your CPG packaging should be aesthetically pleasing to customers. However, it must be functional over all else.

Create a packaging design that protects the product and makes it easy to transport. It should also include all applicable warnings and labels.

Your CPG packaging should represent the product and be instantly recognizable to customers. This means using a simple design that accurately informs customers about the product inside. All information should be easy to see and read.

Consider Branding

Branding is an important part of packaging design. Your target market defines product positioning.

Branding and positioning are what help you determine your expectations for a product. Once you have that information, you can identify the most effective packaging strategy and begin developing ideas.

Conduct market research to learn how your competition is meeting customers’ needs. You will be able to gather data about where your competitors are falling short. Use this data to gain a competitive edge.

Diversify Design

Your CPG packaging should work universally in every type of sales situation. Whether you are selling your product in a brick-and-mortar store, online, or both, it should stand out.

Consumer packaged goods.

Diversifying means creating a packaging design that looks great on store shelves and photographs well for selling online. You will also use it when advertising and promoting the product in magazines and newspapers.

Elements of the design will appear on signs and other promotional items. Thus, your packaging design must look good on mobile devices, phone screens, and computer monitors.

Incorporate Practicality

The packaging should match the product. Consider the shape, size, and functionality of the product when planning what materials to use.

Your CPG packaging should be durable and easy to open and transport. For example, include handles on packaging for heavy items. Also, use luxury materials for high-end products to meet customer expectations.


There is power in packaging. 70% of consumers say they form their impression of a brand based on its packaging.

Use your CPG packaging to differentiate your brand from the rest. Make sure it draws attention to the product, is easy to hold, and provides the information customers need to know. High-quality packaging that does its job will create customer appeal and enhance brand loyalty.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Please subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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