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Consumer First Insights

How Can Product Packaging Hurt Your CPG Brand?

Girl holding a present.

CPG packaging is risky; pick the wrong design, and you could harm rather than help your brand. It’s a tough image to get right; too many claims on your packaging that don’t match up to what’s inside, and you’ll lose customers. But that’s just one issue that could trip you up. Here are some ways poor CPG packaging could hurt your brand.

CPG Packaging Mistakes to Typically Avoid

The first mistake you can make is to look dated. This is an easy CPG packaging mistake simply because consumer trends change as quickly as the digital technologies they frequent. If your product is fresh and modern, the packaging should reflect that. 

Looking outdated can also make you look out of touch with the realities of the market you’re in. CPG packaging designers walk a fine line between vintage/retro or even hipster and out-of-date. If you haven’t updated your product packaging in the last five years, do some research to see if this consistency attracts customers or turns them away.

The flip side of looking too retro is to look too desperate or bold. Does the packaging match what is inside, or is it screaming something the product isn’t? Too many vibrant colors or too many bold fonts can make you look more desperate than enticing. 

Be careful, too, because your CPG packaging can make the product seem out of the price range of your target audience. Packaging that looks too rich or decadent when the product price is low, could turn consumers away before they even look at the sticker. Does the CPG packaging design match the product and the price your target audience is willing to pay?

Avoiding Common CPG Packaging Pitfalls

CPG packaging designers must establish testing processes that take all of these potential pitfalls into account. Packaging design research must look carefully at the environment and the competitive marketplace and by listening carefully to what their customers want. This could include:

  • Looking closely at sales trends. For example, what packaging works to entice shoppers to buy more? How does each design impact the units sold and the percentage of buying audiences?
  • Shelf presence, even on a virtual screen, still matters. Considering what designs can break through a crowded shelving unit while still having good screen impact is critical to today’s CPG packaging designs. If you can’t find the product, you can’t sell it. 
  • The aesthetics of CPG packaging these days is moving more toward sustainability than ever before.
  • With so many consumers opting for an e-commerce touchless shop, creating an experience as part of the package receipt process will also build customer loyalty.

Brand chocolate.

There is a risk inherent in any change to CPG packaging. Every brand manager, designer, and product evangelist understands this. Assessing your options within the parameters of what consumers want is a great exercise to keep your brand fresh.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives; please subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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