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Consumer First Insights

How Packaging Design Will Change Over the Next 10 Years

CPG packaging trends are constantly evolving. As a brand, you should be aware of these changes as you keep up with market predictions.

Packaging design trends include everything from customization to sustainability. Consumer values are also considerations for how companies package their products.

One way to keep up with emerging trends is to read packaging statistics and reports. These provide valuable information about where the packaging industry is going. For example, Allied Market Research predicted the global edible packaging market, valued at $697 million in 2016, would be $1,097 million by 2023.

Knowing these CPG packaging statistics helps you when planning your packaging design strategy. Understanding how packaging design and creation will evolve over the next ten years is essential for staying ahead of the competition. Here are some changes you can expect from the packaging industry over the next decade.

Cardboard boxes.

Why Packaging Trends Matter

Packaging design trends reshape the packaging industry by offering important enhancements. Evolving technology enables brands to engage with consumers through several options that improve buying experiences.

Modern technological developments optimize how CPG packaging is created. This speeds up the packaging design process and makes it easier for brands to use wider varieties of materials.

New Designs

Packaging design will change in many ways over the next ten years. Service providers are expected to take over, ensuring shopping experiences are all-inclusive for consumers. This will result in adding more personal touches to products and packaging to appeal to every aspect of the purchasing process.

Brands will appeal to consumers’ needs, emotions, and preferences. They will communicate this through packaging to create truly customized experiences.

One example of personalizing the experience is already happening with smart packaging. This is also called connected packaging, and uses QR or bar codes that consumers can scan with smart phones or mobile devices.

A QR code takes them to a website that answers questions about their purchasing experiences or helps them further interact with products. It's a great way to engage with consumers on a personal level. As technology evolves, service providers will have more options for this type of engagement.

New Materials

The materials used for packaging have already begun to change, but they'll continue to evolve over the next decade. The classic shapes of boxes, bottles, and bags may change to fit trends and better accommodate products as will the materials used to make them.

Consumers want convenience. This means upgrading existing packaging to meet their needs.

Sustainability is one of the needs that can be met in a number of ways. Plant-based materials are used in the food industry to create edible packaging, while bamboo and cornmeal are placed in boxes to pack products for shipping and transport.

As this trend evolves, brands will use various edible materials for all types of food packaging from coffee cups to bowls and flatware. The idea is for consumers to eat the products and their packaging, or at the very least to use CPG packaging that can be easily recycled.

Reducing CPG packaging waste is important for household items. Products like laundry and dish washing detergents now use pod packaging designs that dissolve in water. Within ten years, more brands will adopt this type of CPG packaging for other types of products and use recyclable materials as the overall packaging options.

Paper plates, bowls and utensils

Save Space

How products are transported and stored affects the environment. If eco-friendly materials aren't used, more products and packaging may wind up in landfills if they aren’t sold. Consumers also may not be inclined to reuse traditional packaging, which will wind up in landfills. Creating eco-friendly packaging consumers can recycle and providing reusable options will cut down on waste. 

Saving space is another way to decrease unusable materials. Smaller packages mean there's less to transport, saving companies money.

Space-saving CPG packaging will result in interesting designs. Rather than the round bottles and jars that have been used for many years, new container shapes will be square and rectangular. These shapes are easier to stack and store.

Integrating Technology

Augmented reality uses digital sensory stimuli like visual elements and sound to create enhanced adaptations of user environments. This occurs in real-time through the use of technology.

This augmented reality technology will be integrated into CPG packaging over the next decade. Tactile, visual, and auditory elements will enhance quality in a couple of ways. Manufacturers can use them for prototyping, and consumers will find them helpful for gaining greater experiences.

Codes will also be placed on packaging that allow for card swiping or smart device scanning to gain advanced tracking data. This will also increase theft protection, offer additional product information, and help consumers engage with products like never before.


CPG packaging trends are constantly evolving. Brands continually look for different materials and designs to fit consumers’ needs.

Sustainability is a major concern among brands and consumers alike. Per Protega Global, the demand for sustainable packaging is 81 percent. Eco-friendly packaging means less waste and a better environment.

CPG packaging is also expected to integrate more technology into designs. This will offer consumers more innovative ways to engage with products and brands and will enhance their buying experiences.

The shapes of packaging will also change to accommodate how products are stacked and stored. This will give companies more options for creating more versatile designs that are unique to their brands.

PKG Brand Design is always at the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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