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Consumer First Insights

How to Implement Sustainable Packaging into Your Biggest Design Projects

Sustainable packaging can be costly and complicated, especially for large designs and products. The key is to simplify the process where possible. Here’s how to do that, even for projects regardless of size.

Taping up a box

What Is Packaging Sustainability?

Packaging sustainability refers to the use of recyclable or compostable materials in your CPG packaging. According to Easy Ship, more than 54% of consumers value sustainability when making product purchases. 67% think it's essential for brands to use sustainable CPG packaging.

Recyclable packaging is lighter than other materials, resulting in lighter shipments. It also has a more positive impact on the environment because it reduces waste.

Why Choose Sustainable Packaging?

Packaging sustainability can increase your consumer base. Buyers who rank sustainability high on their lists of requirements when choosing new brands are more likely to check yours out. This leads to brand loyalty because they'll become repeat purchasers.

Reducing waste and space leads to a decrease in shipping costs. This also makes it a more efficient option.

Packaging sustainability leads to more storage space. This means you can store more and sell products.

Sustainable packaging helps protect the environment and inspires other brands to follow your lead. This is one great way to achieve a circular economy.

Ship products in small packages. A key part of packaging sustainability is to think about the number and type of materials that go into your CPG packaging. You should evaluate the number of materials your product requires for shipping plus how much space they take up in the box.

The product should be protected without a lot of empty space around it. This makes for smaller packages and more efficient packing methods.

Formulate a Plan

The easiest way to implement packaging sustainability into your business model is to incorporate it into your overall marketing strategy. This enables you to conduct a cost analysis and figure out how it will fit into your current model. From there, you can make projections about what you will do and when.

Many large companies are doing just that. According to Pack Help, McDonalds will be 100% recyclable and renewable by 2025. 51% of professionals directly working in supply chain industries also predict the circular economy will become more popular over the next two years, making the announcement by McDonalds even more timely and relevant.

Forest trees

Choose the Right Materials

Consider the many different types of recyclable materials available. Choose those that best fit your needs. For example, consider using edible packaging for some food and beverage products or resealable bags for products that must be kept fresh.


Packaging sustainability reflects your brand values. Consumers who share those values will be drawn to your products through the packaging because it aligns with their commitment to preserving the environment.

Ways to make your CPG packaging eco-friendly include learning about available sustainable materials and how they're used. You can also perform a cost analysis to see how sustainability will fit into your budget and how you can save money by incorporating it into your current business model.

PKG Brand Design is always at the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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