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Consumer First Insights

How to Improve the Shopability of Your CPG Products Through Better Packaging

Your CPG packaging is often the first impression customers have of your product. It also helps advertise your brand and showcase the quality of your product. Here are reasons why packaging design matters and how you can improve the shopability of your products with some design tweaks.

Define Shopability

Consumers often have difficulty deciding on a particular product or brand. They may even buy the wrong product because valuable information on the CPG packaging is not clear.

Shopability refers to the experience customers have when going shopping. You can improve the shopability of your products by ensuring all the data listed on the packaging is easy for customers to read and understand. This applies to both products sold in stores and online.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping increased drastically due to necessity. According to a recent Nielsen study, only 9% of consumers were regularly shopping online globally before the pandemic. This number increased to 44% during the pandemic.

Packaging items in boxes.

When shoppers are confused, they may turn to other brands. They may also become less loyal to your brand.

Consumers often take to social media to share their experiences. The more positive comments you receive, the better. Satisfied customers who discuss their good shopping experiences will encourage others to check out your products, which can increase your customer base and brand loyalty.

Packaging design that is functional and informative improves shopability for consumers by making your products easy to find in any store. Improving your CPG packaging will help make your brand stand out above others.

Avoid Shopability Issues

You can avoid shopability issues by making the information on your products clear. This lessens confusion for shoppers as they shop for their favorite brands.

One example of this is with food products. You can offer many types and flavors of a product, but if consumers have trouble finding the data on your packaging, they will become frustrated.

Place essential information on the same part of the packaging each time. This makes it easier for shoppers to distinguish your products from the competition and to differentiate one of your products from another.

Include a common brand element on all your products to make them instantly recognizable. This could be your logo or a color scheme specific to your brand. This ensures customers will see all product types, flavors, or sublines.

Stacks of cardboard packages.

Create an uncluttered packaging design. This makes it easier for shoppers to locate essential information when choosing products.

Also, be a minimalist. Include your brand logo, product image, and information that tells shoppers what they are buying. This "less is more" approach looks clean, simple, and streamlined while communicating the right data to consumers.

Improve Shopability

Consumer behaviors show CPG packaging matters. One survey revealed 81% of consumers purchased a new product because of the packaging design.

The right packaging design attracts new customers. It entices them by standing out from the competition.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Please subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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