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Consumer First Insights

Is Black the Right Color to Use in Your CPG Packaging?

Black packages.

The color black is often used to make a bold statement. It can appear to make products look sleeker and more professional.

Using black in your packaging can also influence how consumers feel about your product and brand. Here is what you need to know about incorporating it as a major color in your CPG packaging.

Why Use Black?

The color black can be seen on all sorts of packages, from frozen foods to beverages, pet supplies, and even baby food. It conveys luxury and makes products appear premium and enticing.

Black is seen as an authoritative color. When it is integrated into CPG packaging, it is seen as mysterious, classy, and elegant. It can be used to communicate value to shoppers. Black also gives all other colors depth and varied hues.

Black packaging will stand out on shelves, especially when placed next to white packages. This makes it easier to spot in stores and can help your brand become more recognizable.

Research reveals that colors influence people. One study found 93% of those surveyed focus on visual appearance when making a product purchase. Packaging is a major part of this since it’s what they see first.

How Can Black Packaging Influence Customers?

The color of your packaging can influence shopper decisions just by the way it looks. As strange as it may seem, consumers can decide to purchase a product they have never heard of based on the sleek appearance of the outer shell.

Since the color black looks more professional, shoppers may associate black CPG packaging with product quality. This helps build brand loyalty.

Black and white are often used together in packaging to make a statement. They give product boxes and containers a modern look.

Plain brown packaging.

How Can Black Best Be Used in CPG Packaging?

Black and white can be blended to complement each other. This gives the packaging depth.

Black can also be used along with other colors to make them stand out. This adds visual contrast and establishes a design focal point.

Black can also be used to frame other colors. This adds dimension to your CPG packaging. Experiment with different shades of black to make the design more complex.

Black can be used with white to make your message more noticeable. Be sure there is a definite contrast between the colors and text. Incorporate the color black into the imagery that surround the message.

Design the packaging to convey your brand message. Use the color black to create an association between that message and the product inside. This helps to elevate your brand value.

Include ideas for how you will use the color black in your CPG packaging strategy. Research shows 72% of consumers living in the U.S. cite packaging design as an influence when making purchasing decisions. It’s the first thing they see and can help them form a positive opinion of your brand.

The color black is attractive and can be used for any type of product. It can evoke certain feelings for shoppers and influence how they feel about your product before even trying it.

Black can also strengthen buyers’ trust in your products. It helps reinforce the identity of your brand by showing consumers you value quality packaging to go along with what’s inside.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives, please subscribe to our blog  for the latest package design industry news!


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