What are we reading, what are we sharing? Another entry in our series Links For A Monday brings you some of our most-shared or most-talked about links of the week. Often it's brand news, retailer studies, trends or even design inspiration.
New Book, I Wonder What It Feels Like To Be Dsylexic, from Sam Barclay does an amazing job of using design to visually show the challenge of dyslexic readers, allowing designers to take a struggling reader's challenges into account. | Kickstarter
Coke introduces a "cold-activated" can ala Coors | BevNET
Kraft answers a consumer petition and cuts the dyes from it's Mac N Cheese | BrandChannel
Is presentation a big reason dollar stores are taking over from discount chains? The photos in this article seem to present a pretty good argument. | Business Insider
Should women be the real target of mobile marketing? Not only are women more active and engaged with brands, but "moms" are the top users of social media and mobile devices. | Social Media Today
We are such suckers for a good process story. Do you know it can take up to 66 steps to make a good ipad case? | Vital Design Group
Can we stop worrying about Millennials yet? Great cartoon story by Matt Bors | Medium
We love to spin a good yard and bring brand stories to life through design. Some of the tricks of the trade showed up on the TED blog last week when writer Andrew Stanton (WALL-E, Toy Story) shared his experience of telling engaging stories. | TED Blog