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Consumer First Insights

Looks and Logos: 6 Dos and Don'ts to Properly Establish Both

The right packaging design requires a balance between what you should and should not include. Your logo and the appearance of your CPG packaging will impact how consumers feel about the product before they even see it.

In 2021, Ipsos.com reported 72% of American consumers are influenced by packaging design when purchasing products. They base their decisions on factors like quality and the attractiveness of the CPG packaging.

There are several features you can include to make your packaging design stand out. Avoiding mistakes will also positively impact the consumer experience.

Packaging design is difficult to navigate whether you're a novice or a pro. Here are three dos and don’ts that will help create the right CPG packaging for your brand.


Do: Use the Right Amount of Packaging

Knowing how much CPG packaging to use can be tricky. Include too much and you'll be wasteful. Use too little, and you may not be protecting your product enough. How do you know what the right amount is?

Use a box or container that has enough room to comfortably fit the product and any accompanying items. Consider inserts like user guides, promotional cards, and product samples.

You must also account for product wrapping and additional materials designed to protect the product while in transit. Ensure the container is eye-catching so it attracts attention on store shelves.

Don’t: Create Difficult Packaging

CPG packaging that is difficult to maneuver is frustrating to shoppers. Using multiple layers, materials that require scissors or a knife, or using multiple twist ties to bind product parts can negatively affect the consumer experience. Instead, use just enough CPG packaging to secure your product. Your consumers will appreciate it.

Do: Use Cost-Effective Materials

Premium CPG packaging looks great, but it can be expensive. Plan carefully when incorporating packaging design into your budget.

Think of the cost of your product and what shoppers will expect from the packaging. You can minimize costs by using the right-sized container and only the materials you need. If your product is high in value, premium packaging may be the way to go.

Don’t: Clutter Your Packaging

Packaging that's too busy can distract shoppers from what’s inside. If they can’t easily locate important information like nutrition details, they'll pass your product up for your competition’s.

Keep your packaging design interesting by including details that inform consumers about what the product is, ingredients it contains, and how to use it. Make it exciting by using the right colors, text that's easy to read, and a logo that stands out. Less is more when it comes to the right packaging.

Brown packages on a conveyor.

Do: Ensure the Text is Legible

If consumers can’t read the text on your CPG packaging, they won’t buy your product. You can include all the right information but using fonts that are too small or fancy won't promote your product. The last thing you want is for a shopper to misunderstand a detail like the presence or absence of a certain ingredient.

Don’t: Create Under-branded Packaging

Your packaging design should always include your logo, color scheme, and anything else that tells consumers which brand is selling the product. This leads to brand loyalty and repeat purchases.


Packaging design is important to many consumers. Some prefer the use of premium CPG packaging materials, while others only purchase sustainable products.

A 2017 study by Cone Communications found 63% of Americans want businesses to lead social and environmental change. Choosing the right packaging design will show your commitment to sustainability and strong values. This helps consumers find the right products while creating brand trust.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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