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Consumer First Insights

Much Ado About Something

A friend brought me back this package from the Victoria & Albert Museum Store in London. Aside from a clever structure—the plastic blister portion forms a cone in the back so it can stand alone or hang on a peg—it's an interesting example of the power of packaging.

Obviously a wry commentary on consumerism, the product is “Nothing. For the person that has everything.” The blister pack indeed contains nothing. The instructions on the back of the card state: “Carefully open the pack, and experience nothing,” with the warranty, “product is guaranteed to do absolutely nothing. If something happens, return for a full refund.”

Beyond the obvious tongue in cheek proposition, this brings to mind the myriad packages I've bought simply because I've loved the graphics alone. An interesting design or unique packaging was the guiding force for these purchases—a brand manager's dream!

In an ideal situation, a product has to live up to its promise to prompt a repeat purchase. I think this underscores the paramount importance packaging can have for a product, especially in situations where advertising and support budgets are limited.

Packaging can have great power. And I think that is really something.


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