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Consumer First Insights

Brand Design that Resonates with Your Target Audience


It is said that clothes make the man. Similarly, the "clothes" or package design of your product can make or break it, sales-wise. TheBalance.com notes: "The primary function of food packaging design is to attract. Your package is your brand ambassador; it should sell itself."

Branding through Package Design

What is it that makes your brand unique? What is the defining characteristic that makes you so different from your competitors? Your answer to those questions should inform your package design. You have only a few moments to communicate your brand message via packaging. This means that your packaging must say what you need it to say and what your customers want and need to hear in the space of a second or two.

How can you do that? Here are some tips to help:

1) Know who you are

This may sound like a no-brainer, but the first step to effective package design is to understand your brand identity. Your brand identity will help determine what colors, fonts, size, shapes, and materials will be used in your package design.

2) Know your product

Ideally, all your products will be recognizable as belonging to your brand. However, you must also give consideration to each individual type of product you are marketing. The materials you use, the shape of the package, and the wording on the package should align with what the actual product is and what it does.

Of course, you do not have complete control over every aspect of what is on your packaging. The FDA issues a Food Labeling Guide which you must follow with your labels. However, other than the nutritional label and any health claims you make on your packaging, you are in control of all the other aspects of your package design.

3) Embrace simplicity

In packaging design, it is important to remember that your brand message must be conveyed in a very short time. Therefore, you may find it best to use simplicity as a guide in your design process. If the average consumer looks at your package for a fraction of a second, you have to make that small span of time really count with visually digestible information.

For some examples of deceptively simple packaging designs that really ramp up the wow factor, take a look at Creative Bloq's "58 Awesome Packaging Designs."

4) Listen to your customers

Do some of your products sell consistently, while others languish on the grocery shelf? If so, it is important to look at the differences in your package design for each product. You will likely find that the product that sells more rapidly is also the package that most represents your overall brand message.

bigstock-Supermarket--110613122_600xMake customers happy with an instantly recognizable brand message.

Being observant of customer behaviors will inform your packaging strategy. Conduct market research, dive into your data, and do not neglect the science of good package design.

The Bottom Line

Your product package design is often the first contact a customer may have with your brand. Like a first date on fast forward, your design must be attractive, enticing, and persuasive in the span of a second or so. It should imprint your brand indelibly on the mind, heart, and wallet of consumers.

Could you use some help designing the perfect package for your products? Contact us today to discuss how to incorporate your brand message into your designs.

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