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Consumer First Insights

Shopper Marketing Is Hit Or Miss With Millennials

The time to target millennials is now. If you are waiting for millennials to age into your product or target market, it will be much harder to win them over.

Virtually every brand we work with is trying to win Millennials and it's not surprising why. Eighty million shoppers with one trillion dollars in buying power are hard to ignore. But equally hard to ignore are recent stats that show when it comes to shopper marketing, Millennials know what they want.

One-third of Millennials are hyper-connectors who use a wide variety of shopper media frequently. But an almost equal number are detached, meaning they almost never use shopper marketing to support buying needs like groceries and other CPG categories. Even digital tools that Millennials deem essential to their daily lives are rarely used for routine shopping.

Read more from the source: mediapost.com


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