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Consumer First Insights

8 Steps to Managing the CPG Packaging Development Process

Botteling plant.

Packaging is an increasingly complex part of the product lifecycle. Part of shortening your time to market and increasing the chances of your product's success lies in the package development process. Here are some steps you can take to manage the CPG packaging development process.

Shorten CPG Packaging Process with These Eight Steps

CPG packaging plays an important role in the success of any product in the sector. Companies spend an enormous amount on the artwork, design, and implementation of packaging that will attract consumers while keeping their products safe. 

To make things more complicated, consumers have increased the pressure to seek more sustainable forms of packaging. This can lengthen the CPG packaging design process. How can organizations reduce the time spent on packaging before the launch of the product? Here are eight steps to consider:

1. Automate as much as possible during production. 

The latest data shows that only 35% of CPG companies have addressed some of these inefficiencies in the CPG packaging design and production process. This problem starts well before the assembly line. 

Brand assets are stored in incompatible, disparate platforms. Time is wasted on errors and artwork iterations. Costly miscommunications can start the process off on the wrong foot, and manual processes continue throughout.

2. Make communication a priority. 

Supplier coordination is often unwieldy and inefficient. Communication can be ineffective. Getting everyone on the same page is difficult; typically, each team involved in the CPG packaging process works independently from everyone else.

3. Work with distributors early in the process to avoid mistakes later on. 

Does your manufacturer require a minimum order quantity? Do distributors have an excess of bulk inventory? All of these issues can impact your product launch, so it’s important to avoid bottlenecks by looking at the process holistically upfront during the design process.

4. Cut out the middleman. 

Work directly with manufacturers whenever possible. This will cut costs and save time wasted during your CPG packaging process.

5. Protect your CPG packaging. 

For custom structure designs, it’s important to apply for patents on the design before your competitor steals your good idea. Since this process takes time, our advice is to do it now.

6. Evaluate your effectiveness. 

Is the CPG packaging refresh really necessary? This will create problems with your supply chain including label production companies or with inventory. Avoid small scale package renovations and organize a bulk refresh on the entire brand portfolio to avoid unnecessary spending and time waste.

7. Don’t forget about the shopper. 

This seems like a no-brainer, but many CPG packaging fails have been caused simply by not remembering who you’re designing for. You can eliminate time-wasting missteps by simply reevaluating every attribute of the product and product packaging from the perspective of your consumers.

8. Plan for your constraints. 

For example, are all the nutrition facts on the label? Start with product requirements during the design process first. Does the retailer have size requirements? Is the label design actually printable, or is it cost-prohibitive? What industry-related tests must occur before the CPG packaging can be designed?

Food warehouse.

These eight suggestions may seem basic, but keep in mind they must be considered for every channel where your product will sell. How do these channels affect your CPG packaging process? Following these guidelines will help your team design a go-to-market product faster, with fewer mistakes that bog you down. 

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives; please subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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