PKG, a West Loop-based branding and packaging design agency is looking for you, Intern-to-be. Especially if you can nod your head "Yep!" to the following:
- You've got basic design/typography skills, know your kerning from your leading, and think Comic Sans is what we should call famous people who used to be funny for a living.
- When someone says "Adobe CS5," you don't think, "Why is a design agency making huts for native peoples from New Mexico?" And, instead, you think, "Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign are my three favorite software programs."
- You can outline THE CRAP out of any image with a clipping path. Or with a mask. It doesn't matter because you're ambidextrous that way and will KILL IT.
- Dazzling portfolio samples from at least one college-level packaging course. Important note: Not "BE-dazzling" samples. Save the Swarovski for Halloween.
- "Wow! You're really good at drawing!" people who are not related to you have been known to say.
- "I could get college credit for this? Where do I sign?"
If you're still nodding your head—and not nodding off—please get in touch with us. Email your resume and a PDF with no more than 6 samples of your BEST work to us.
UPDATE: Sorry we are no longer accepting internship submissions.