Your packaging design should be different for each product and should evolve over time. Surprising consumers with CPG packaging that exceeds their expectations will help build brand loyalty.
Packaging design impacts buyers. According to Ipsos, 83% of consumers feel paper packaging is creative, while 75% think it allows for more innovative designs than other materials. Here are five tips for spicing up your packaging design and delivering surprises along the way.
Choose Attractive Colors
Color matters in packaging design. It adds tone and helps all the elements of your package come together.
Choose carefully when selecting the right colors for your CPG packaging. Think about the colors you use for your product designs. Use color schemes that signify your brand and set you apart from the competition.
There are many ways to speak to consumers using different colors. For example, white gives your packaging design a look of purity, while black conveys power. Blue signifies strength, red gives your CPG packaging energy, and green illustrates sustainability.
Create Legible Text
The text on your CPG packaging should be easy to read. Shoppers only spend a few seconds looking at products for the first time, so make those seconds count.
Your text should be compelling and grab consumers’ attention. All information should be clear and concise so they can find the details they need.
Design for Store Shelves
Even if you also sell products online, create packaging designs that stands out on store shelves. Keep specific stores in mind. This will help you know how to make your CPG packaging appealing to more shoppers.
Think about where in the store your product will be sold. If your product will be in the freezer section of the grocery store, consider how the freezer doors might impact what part of the packaging design people will see.
Keep It Current
Packaging design trends are constantly changing. When creating CPG packaging, check out the latest design ideas so you won't fall behind the times.
Consumers want to see new packaging designs. Listen to what buyers have to say about CPG packaging and be willing to make modifications to your designs to keep them current.
Interact with consumers to get their feedback. This will show you what they expect both in the products they purchase and how those products are packaged.
You can engage with consumers through online surveys, eye-tracking, and social media. This is a great way to directly involve them in your packaging design and find out what they're thinking.
Use Quality Materials
Consumers appreciate quality. They often only look at brands that use premium materials. If a product’s CPG packaging looks and feels good, consumers will be more likely to pick it up.
The quality of your packaging should reflect the quality of what’s inside. If consumers feel you've put a lot of effort into creating the packaging, they'll associate that with the product and with your brand.
Unique packaging design can help your brand grow. As Enterprise League reports, 40% of consumers share photos of product packaging on social media when the packaging is branded or distinctive.
Keep your CPG packaging fresh by trying new designs. When doing this, make sure they're in line with your brand and with current design trends so they'll make sense to buyers.
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