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Consumer First Insights

5 Tips for Startups Looking to Create Their First Product Packages

When starting out, you may want to throw everything into your packaging design. This can be tempting when you look at the different ways other companies are creating their designs but including every little detail may not be the best strategy.

Effective packaging is the first point of contact shoppers have with a brand. If done right, it will resonate with them in a positive way. Packaging of the World reports 70% of consumers form their opinions of a brand based on packaging alone. Here are five things to include and leave out of your packaging design to attract as many consumers as possible.

Presenting to colleagues.

Think Minimalist

A minimalist packaging design is the current trend. Shoppers want to bypass clutter when looking at products on store shelves and really see what they're getting for their money.

Minimalist CPG packaging includes clean lines and just the right amount of information. A brand logo, pleasing color pallet, and easy-to-read text rounds out the minimalist look. This less-is-more approach ensures consumers learn everything they should about the product, and it piques their interest about what’s inside.

Avoid Blurry Packaging

CPG packaging that contains a logo or text that's difficult to make out will turn consumers off. It doesn’t speak well of your brand and sends negative messages about your values and how you feel towards consumers.

Use high-quality printing on your CPG packaging that's right for the packaging materials. Make sure all details are clear and easy to read.

Verify All Details Are Correct

Shoppers depend on the information you provide on your packaging to make informed buying decisions. This allows them to purchase products that match their preferences. Sometimes, that information can be crucial, like when a consumer has a particular allergy and can’t ingest certain substances like gluten.

Shoppers rely on these details when searching store shelves. One mistake can cost you thousands of consumers or millions of dollars. Make sure you have a system in place for verification.

Paper and cardboard packaging.

Avoid Constantly Changing Your Packaging Design

Making constant changes to your design confuses consumers. It also makes your brand difficult to find and identify.

Come up with a packaging design that works and stick to it. You can make minor changes along the way, but anything drastic may put shoppers off.

Incorporate Your Brand into the Packaging Design

Your CPG packaging should speak of your brand. It should be instantly recognizable to consumers, and it should clearly advertise who you are.

Use a signature color scheme, logo, and font. You can choose this based on the type of products you're selling. Think about the type of product you're packaging and who the audience will be.

Packaging materials are also an important consideration. For example, your target audience may be concerned about the environment. Thus, they're looking for brands that use sustainable materials in both their products and packaging designs. These details are a great way to communicate your brand values to the public.


Consumers place a great deal of importance on packaging design when developing loyalty to a brand. Per Dotcom Distribution, 40% of consumers say they'll share an image of a product's packaging on social media if it illustrates a certain brand or is uniquely designed.

Image sharing can lead to recommendations from satisfied consumers. Thus, a small brand can grow into a large conglomerate with recognizable products and CPG packaging.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives. Subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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