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Consumer First Insights

Today's Man Goes Grocery Shopping

Traditional gender roles continue to blur as more men will handle the grocery shopping to help out around the house with at least 47% of men are responsible for at least half of the grocery shopping.

At least 47% of men are doing the family grocery shopping. Even when James Brown crooned "This is a Man's World," the supermarket and the decisions made therein were decidedly female.

But the stagnant economy and a willingness of young men to share in more the childrearing, food shopping and meal preparation are blurring traditional gender roles.

As more men take control of the shopping cart, experts advise marketers to make subtle changes to better reflect the shift.

"Those retailers and brands that begin focusing on the fact that he's in their store and looking for ideas and assitance are going to be the winners in the long run, " said Michael Uetz, principal of Midan Marketing, Chicago.

Midan's research found that 47% of men are so-called "manfluencers," meaning that they're responsible for at least half or the grocery shopping and meal preparation in their household. Nearly six in 10 manfluencers (58%), or one-quarter of all males, do the all of the grocery shopping.

Read more from the source: supermarketnews.com


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