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Consumer First Insights

Top 6 Beverage Packaging Developments Over the Past Year

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How innovative can CPG packaging design really get with the product is a beverage? It turns out there’s a lot of innovation going on in beverage design these days. This article looks at the top six market innovators in CPG packaging of our liquid products.

1. 100% Recyclable Coca-Cola?

Coke has long been the butt of environmental jokes, but recently they announced their European partnership (CCEP) is pursuing CPG packaging of a different sort. Coca-Cola European Partners, who is the world’s largest independent Coca-Cola bottler, announced that three popular beverage products would be sold in 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) plastic. This includes Honest teas, Glaceau Smartwater, and Chaudfontaine bottled water. Predictors suggest this move will eliminate more than 9,000 tons of plastic waste across Europe.

2. Innovations in Juice Packaging

CPG packaging of juice products is changing in several ways:

  • Eco-friendly resins are in-demand among manufacturers seeking increased sustainability and recycled materials.
  • Flexible and convenient packaging is in-demand as well. Consumers want convenience for on-the-go, but don’t skimp on the recycling, either.
  • Manufacturers are considering new CPG designs that allow for a longer shelf life of these products.

3. Dasani Goes Sustainable

Last summer, Dasani announced its biggest sustainability initiative in corporate history under parent company Coca-Cola’s “World Without Waste” campaign. Their goal is to make packaging with 50% recycled materials by the year 2030. Dasani is leading the charge with CPG packaging designs that incorporate bottles made from renewable resources, package weight reduction, and a foray into aluminum, which is, of course, highly recyclable.

4. Ball Park Plastic Cups Now Sustainable

Plastic beverage cups have long been a culprit of landfill waste, but Ball Corp. is ready to clean up this reputation. Last year, the company announced pilots in major entertainment venues like Colorado University’s football stadium. The new CPG packaging design will include 20-ounce aluminum cups. Aluminum is an easily recyclable alternative to those waxy plastic cups that end up in the landfill. 

5. Collapsible Bottle for Tube Feeding

For patients that cannot eat or swallow, tube feeding becomes their lifeline. But CPG packaging innovation doesn’t stop, and Danone Nutricia Research designed the OpTri bottle that reduces the risk of contamination because, as the liquid is poured, gravity collapses the container. This is a recyclable liquid product that reduces water use by 85% compared to the current pouch packaging for these products.

Beverage packaging plant.
6. Cold Brew is Hot for Recycling

Nestle brands has a new look for their cold brew coffee product. Coffeemate Natural Bliss Cold Brew rolled out in a new bottle design a few months ago, and it appears to be a hit. The prior bottle was easily dented during shipping and storage, which made consumers take a second look at the damaged product. Instead, Amcor’s new vacuum-resistant Geo-strap base protects the ingredients while giving customers a more positive experience. According to Packaging Digest, Amcor worked with CPG packaging designers to come up with a new polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle.

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