As someone who used to make a habit of trying to "eat for the cycle"* at Wendy's with his high school buddies before basketball practice (where have the days gone when my metabolism was faster than this guy's?), I take a (probably) unnecessarily overprotective view of the brand. Possibly because I came of age in the Where's the Beef? era.
But the familiar icon—and some of its attendant characteristics—is now something else, with changes to the stores and menu to follow. According to the company's news release, it's all part of an ongoing brand transformation that puts the consumer first. While the new logo launches as I'm hunting-and-pecking out this little thinkpiece, packaging will appear in stores sometime next month.
Though we'll miss golden yellow's dominance on fry boxes and cups, we're all for a brand hanging onto its heritage while evolving to meet consumer expectations. Helpfully, the company posted its brand evolution for all to see.
Meeting consumer expectation? Transparent branding? A relevant brand story? Wendy's is following the core concepts of what PKG believes in. And we'll be sure to keep an eye on the Wendy's brand evolution over the next few weeks.
*Eating for the Cycle: Like "Hitting for the Cycle" in baseball—a Single, Double, Triple (no longer a menu item), any two sandwiches that equal four patties, six chicken nuggets, large drink, large fry, Frosty. The author succeeded once and wishes there had been a trophy.