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Consumer First Insights

What Are Some Personalization Options With CPG Packaging?

Laptop and small brown packages.

Personalization is a growing trend in retail and eCommerce. Consumers want an interactive experience with products, and packaging is where it begins.

Research shows the packaging industry is expanding. Forecasters anticipate a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% by 2026. Customers expect innovative packaging, and companies are finding creative ways to deliver.

Establish an instantaneous connection with customers through your CPG packaging. Accomplish this by creating strategic solutions that speak to your brand. Here are 5 ways to make it more personal.

Personalize Your Packaging

Personalize your CPG packaging to resonate with customers. Add wording that conveys a message about the product or how it can be used.

The message should match the product and speak directly to customers. Include it in your advertising strategy as a part of existing campaigns.

Target Your Brand

Consider niche targeting. This will strengthen your brand while adding a personal touch.

Niche targeting enables you to reach different markets through demographics, interests, and geographical areas. This will require research and an in-depth understanding of the customers who buy your products.

Personalizing your CPG packaging in such a targeted way will reach a wider range of consumers whose wants and needs may differ, but who all relate to your brand.

Technology is constantly evolving. Techniques such as digital printing are more affordable than ever before. Use them to create a personalized experience that will help your brand grow.

Woman holding a package.

Customize the Box

The box that houses your product should be instantly recognizable. Design the box specifically for your product. Include colors, logos, and anything else that represents your brand to make it stand out.

Use boxes that are predesigned with options to customize or have them personalized to your products and branding. This makes your box immediately distinguishable to customers.

The cost of the box should match your overall CPG packaging price strategy. A multitude of options are available, so do your research before deciding.

Choose the Right Filler

Carefully choose the filler you include in your CPG packaging. Consider sustainable materials that are easy to unpack and do not make a mess.

Materials matter. One study reveals around ¾ of consumers will pay more for packaging made of sustainable products.

Bubble wrap, crinkle paper, and tissue paper are great choices. They are pleasant to touch, aesthetic, and fun.

The filler should protect your product and be easy to remove. Your filler ties into your brand, so think about your target audience when selecting materials.

Thank Your Customers

Thanking your customers adds the ultimate personalization to your CPG packaging. Include a thank-you note in the box with the product. This is a great way to show your appreciation and encourage the customer to purchase from you again in the future.

The note can be comprised of several paragraphs on standard paper that tells the company more about your company or a few sentences expressing your thanks on a small note card. Either way, it will go a long way toward building customer trust and brand loyalty.

PKG Brand Design is always on the forefront of new CPG branding and packaging initiatives; please subscribe to our blog for the latest package design industry news!


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