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Consumer First Insights

What's the package of the future and why?

With more CPG products expanding into flexible packaging, consumers are becoming accustomed to the lightweight, space saving structures.

Is flexible packaging the wave of the future in CPG?

The way in which consumers view and interact with packaged products is changing. With a growing focus on convenience and sustainability, traditional pack types are being replaced by innovative and flexible options designed to meet these consumer needs. The flexible packaging market is estimated to be worth $351 billion by 2018, meaning that it is rapidly gaining market share from other sectors such as traditional rigid packaging.

Many exciting new product developments have helped demonstrate to consumers the true potential of flexible packaging. Examples include the Halls "twist-off" Stickpack converted by Sonoco--a flexible package which allows one sweet to be dispensed without losing others--and the Savvy Green Laundry Detergent Pouch, which displays high-end graphics and offers easy dispensation.

Read more from the source: Packaging Digest


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